Data Warehouse Dashboard

What if you could manage your multi-site restaurant business through a single interface? The Data Warehouse Dashboard puts under one roof enterprise reports, making it easy for you to manage your business.

How it works

The Data Warehouse Dashboard is a web application that collects and displays information from every store in your enterprise. Whether you run a couple of pizza shops or a triple-digit store chain, the Dashboard displays in an easy to understand way information on your sales, labor cost, discounts and more. Your POS and other technologies (Delivery IQ, Target Market) feed your Dashboard with real-time data. This makes your Dashboard a live business reporting tool that helps you make timely decisions that boost growth. The Dashboard is user-friendly and customizable; quickly create dashboards and get actionable insights about your business' profitability in a matter of seconds.


Easily manage your business with an intelligent reporting Dashboard that takes the guesswork out of your decision-making. Solve issues and prevent loss, maximize profitability, and ensure your restaurant business is thriving.

Key Features

Easy Enterprise Management

The Data Warehouse Dashboard brings enterprise reports under one roof. No matter the size of your business you can monitor it effortlessly. The Dashboard lets you:

  • - Analyse real-time data on your Sales, Labor cost, Food cost, Web Visits and more.
  • - Compare the performance of two stores for a more in-depth analysis.
  • - Analyse data for specified periods and compare individual store performance against a benchmark.
  • - Remotely monitor your staff with video surveillance.

Secure, Integrated, & Remotely Accessible

The Dashboard is integrated with your POS to offer you reliable and real-time reporting. It is web-based so you can access it from anywhere. Dashboards can be private or public. For public dashboards you can choose who will access to it beside yourself. For instance, you can make a dashboard accessible only to a district manager or any other decision-maker.

Sales Reportlet

The Sales report displays your net sales over a specified period. You can create several sales reportlets for as many stores as you want. For instance, you can view your sales of gift card reloads, your lunch sales, or your delivery sales. You can also compare the sales of one store against a benchmark.

Sales Per Type of Order Reportlet

Is it pickup or delivery that leads your sales? With this reportlet you'll instantly know. The Sales Per Order Type displays your walk-in, delivery, pick-up, and dine-in sales in a pie chart for easy analysis.

Sales Per Category Reportlet

What percentage of your sales comes from pizza? What about beer sales? This reportlet informs you of your sales for each menu category, e.g., pizza, salad, drinks, and dessert.

Discounts Reportlet

With this reportlet you instantly know what type of discount (Loyalty, coupons, specials, web promos) generate the most sales. Studying this reportlet helps you fine tune your marketing efforts and increase your discount-triggered sales.

Food Cost Reportlet

Monitoring your food costs helps you identify opportunities for pricing changes. Tracking your food cost trends lets you maximize profitability while ensuring your restaurant is competitive and appealing to your customers.

Web Visits Reportlet

Visits to your web store is another business aspect you need to keep an eye on. This is a helpful reportlet that if leveraged correctly can help your web-based business grow. For instance, you can track the impact a web-only promo to see if it's worth repeating.

Labor Cost Reportlet

Know at a glance how cost-effective your work schedules are. This reportlet depicts your labor costs as a percentage of your net sales. This is an important insight to help you keep labor costs at a minimum. You can compare the labor costs of various stores to find those with optimal labor scheduling practices. Then use said store's practices as a benchmark for other restaurants.

OTD Performance

The OTD reportlet shows you how long it takes for an order to get out of the door (OTD) from the moment it is placed. This is a vital insight for interpreting your staff's and operations' efficiency and making adjustments where needed.


Remotely monitor your business from anywhere; while travelling, from the comfort of your home or office. You can add several video surveillance panels in your dashboard to monitor operations and staff. Video monitoring not only deters theft and increases security it also ensures your staff is productive and professional. You can monitor your staff in real time in the kitchen, at the POS stations and anywhere else cameras are installed to increase staff efficiency and ensure employee compliance and safety.

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